Sport Fishing Safaris in Uganda

Sport Fishing In Uganda

Did you know you can enjoy sport fishing during your Uganda safari in addition to wildlife and birding safaris? Yes, this is very possible with the numerous water bodies with different fish species.

A third of Uganda’s landscape is occupied by water with different water bodies including Lakes Victoria, Kyoga, Albert, George, Edward, Mburo, and Bunyonyi in addition to Rivers such as the Nile (longest in the country and second longest in the entire World), Katonga, Kafu, Aswa, and Rwizi that also make up some of the natural treasures in Uganda.

Additionally, these water bodies offer shelter to more than 350 species of fish, the majority of which are important for commercial purposes whereas it is usually the Nile Perch and Tilapia that are vital for sport fishing adventure. Other species you will also find in the water bodies include Lungfish, Catfish, Tigerfish, and Ferocious fighters among others. If you have ever wished or dreamt of catching a Nile Perch that weighs over 200 kilograms, then Uganda should be your sport fishing destination.

Therefore, fishing during Uganda safaris allows tourists to join a team of committed local fishermen who not only engage in this activity for subsistence use but also commercial purposes with local methods including the use of traditional types of equipment such as spears, arrows, hand capture (for shallow waters), fish pots in addition to fish poisoning with some specific local herbs. Trolling with baits is the main method of catching Nile Perch while some of the equipment and facilities used include speed boats, fire extinguishers on-board for your safety, life jackets, canoes, rain suits, cooler box for storing cold drinks, basic first Aid box and your mobile phone.

Some of the important fishing spots within the country include;

  • Lake Victoria

Isn’t it obvious that the World’s second-largest freshwater body (stretching for 69,485 square kilometers) offers exceptional activities to enjoy during African safaris? One of the activities is sport fishing where tourists can catch Nile Perch fish weighing from 10 to 100 kilograms using several techniques such as trolling with baits in addition to Tilapia weighing from one to five kilograms using fly fishing methods. Participants are always advised to use boats with sun overhead shade, Fire extinguishers, electronic fish finders, First Aid Box, GPS, Flare mobile phones rain jackets as well as life jackets. Trips normally begin from 9 am until 12 pm or afternoon from 1 pm to 5 pm with half-day fishing trips that last about four hours and full-day hours lasting 8 hours.

  • Murchison Falls National Park

Stretching for 3480 square kilometers, Murchison Falls National Park is Uganda’s oldest Conservation Area found within north-western Uganda at approximately a 5-hour drive from Kampala City. The Nile River within this Park is famous for the giant Nile Perch fish and the waters are one of the most motivating, rewarding but challenging thus you can’t afford to miss while on Uganda safaris. Therefore, this is the most perfect spot for this adventurous activity hence any interested anglers can enjoy the activity during Uganda vacations.

For Murchison Falls National Park, the activity is carried out at the bottom of the Murchison Falls due to the warm temperatures (up to 38 Celsius degrees) experienced at the Park hence participants must carry sunscreens, hats, sunglasses, long-sleeved shirts, and insect repellants among others. Normally, live baits have to be used to catch the Fish species, especially Tigerfish, Nile Perch (weighing up to 100 kilograms), and Catfish. However, everyone interested in participating in sport fishing is required to present a valid fishing permit.

  • Mount Elgon and Sipi Falls area

If you chance to visit the popular Mount Elgon National Park or even the magnificent Sipi Falls both within eastern Uganda, sport fishing should be one of the must-do activities on your bucket list. Fishing permits are always obtained from Sipi River Lodge and participants are advised to carry their fishing equipment, long-sleeved shirts, a hat, a hat, and many others.

  • Lake Mburo National Park

Besides offering extraordinary wildlife species such as Zebras, Rothschild giraffes, and Impalas as well as bird species, Lake Mburo National Park in western Uganda is one of the most perfect places for sport fishing where more than 6 species of fish are found in Lake Mburo including Tilapia. The most fascinating spot for the adventure is around Mazinga but tourists have to carry their fishing equipment/gear but also first acquire a fishing permit (costing $15 only) from the Uganda Wildlife Authority.

Another spot for sport fishing is the Nile River in Jinja. Taking a Uganda safari is more interesting when traveling in a group, with so many benefits;

Benefits of Travelling in a Group

Many travelers used to enjoy traveling alone maybe because they want privacy in their adventures and also want to make their own decisions for which destination to visit and which not to visit. Try traveling in a group and get the secrets behind group travel because it has a lot of benefits compared to solo travel.

Some of the awesome benefits that group travelers normally enjoy are;

  • Some members can tell you the way

A solo traveler definitely, he/she is responsible for all his/her trips, ranging from accommodation, meals, and drinks the directions. But under group travel, the guide will help in navigating where next you will be going every day while giving the facts about everything in sight along the way.

This is one of the perfect benefits that group travelers get during their travel. Especially when traveling in a country where you can’t speak the language and would want to ask people for help.

  • Get instant close friends

This is always remarkable and the best way of making friendships with different people during the safari, because it becomes easy for travelers to chat among themselves. This experience is good for making travelers interact among themselves and choose the best places that they are interested in visiting. It is easier to make friends on a tour than in places like hotel rooms, among others.

  • Well planned trips

When the group trip is planned by a company, it means research was thoroughly done to come up with the particular package for the group always resulting in the best itinerary. Tour companies always hire people who are locals and with perfect skills and knowledge about the particular destination.

Not forgetting that the locals can recommend the best places for overnight stays, camping and meals, and even bars/night spots to visit. Let your trip be planned by a good tour company to enjoy the destinations you are interested in.

  • There is a guarantee of safety

Traveling in groups and having a tour leader to give perfect advice in case of circumstances that don’t seem to be safe. It is just a safety measure, but at least one can be sure that someone is next to them for assurance in case anything unexpected happens.

  • Other family members can be reassured

This can help people whose relatives or family worry when they are going on a trip. Joining a group to embark on the trip is the best way because the people who are worried about your trip will be reassured that you are not going to be lonely.

They know how they can connect to you during the trip via other members, especially the tour company that has organized the trip because at least the company can be answerable for your safety.

  • Cost reduced through a group discount

When traveling in a group, definitely there will be a reduction in the price for a particular destination and things like food and drinks. Booking companies usually offer good discounts because of the number of travelers.

This can help travelers save money because they share the general costs of the trip, like vehicle costs, fuel, guiding fees, shared accommodation, etc. These savings can help buy other things like souvenirs and crafts.

  • The best of photography

These days, selfies are getting timed out but using your friend is the best way to take memorable photographs. Let them take the best of the photo when they are also in action. This experience of photography is generally the best of the travel because most times travelers want to go back home with a tangible experience to show the people back home.

  • Sighting unexpected things

A group tour takes travelers in most cases to areas that are difficult to reach as a solo traveler. This is no doubt when it comes to African destinations like the national parks. Visiting projects that as a visitor you haven’t heard of before. Become the new discoverer of the hidden secrets of the virgin destinations during group travel.

Traveling in a group is so adventurous but of course, it depends on the group that you will choose to travel with.